
Saturday, 8 January 2011

Beans Beans, the Musical Fruit!

...The more you eat, the more you toot >: D

This'll be the first instalment of 'Beany Beats' - a non-scheduled, fairly random, music mini-blog!
It's not much really - but it'll just be a brief insight into some artists or songs, which in the hype of the 'OMG THIS SONG ROCKS' moment, I think deserves a shout-out - and should be shared.

With the release of Tron: Legacy, a fire has been re-lit in my heart for Daft Punk - who I've always loved, and are just one of the best electronic music artists, ever, in my opinion. I've listened to the films soundtrack (all songs by Daft Punk), and can say with a high degree of truth - that it's great. Personally, I don't think you can get the full experience listening to just the soundtrack here - as it's meant to be played in-sync with the film right? But in any other case, if you love Daft Punk or an electronic beat - you'll love the Tron: Legacy Soundtrack.

Daft Punk - Digital Love (Just because I love this song)

Coincidently though, another one of my favourite artists - Frankmusik, has just released a free download of his song 'Our Discovery (Tribute to Daft Punk)'... you can probably see where this is going ;D Well basically, it's an tribute track, based off the album Discovery by Daft Punk - which in essence is just a bit of fun - but for me really highlights the upbeatness and joy of being a Daft Punk fan. I just loved it, so here it is!

Frankmusik - Our Discovery (Tribute to Daft Punk)

Keep watching for another Beanie Beats soon!

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