
Sunday, 26 September 2010

Número Uno~

I can't actually speak Spanish... German is my forté! Oh shi-, French. Don't want that.

I've had a pretty rotten day, so I guess saying this for a first post is a little hypocritical haha. But I promised to myself I'd get it up and running today. I've wasted a lot of time doing nothing with this to be honest...

As for thee blog though, I'm gonna aim it to be a more optimistic view on things in general. Be that a random topic, or just events that happen to me or others day by day. I'd like input from a community of sorts if possible (questions, comments, topics, to chat?)!.. Though, I'm not expecting a great deal really. No-one's thaat interested in what I do. Even most of my friends haha.

Sorry post number one is a bit lackluster, but as you know - shiz happens!
My 'About Me' is at my normal level of happiness though. I wrote it yesterday. If you want a more accurate portrayal of a normal me, what and how I write there gives a better representation ;D  Check it out!

When I'm happy :D

I hope over time I get a few followers and what-not though! I promise, I don't bite.. much ;P Hope you'll stay~

And also, the fantastic banner was made by my friend over at risusaTEN! MASSIVE thanks to her and there's the link if you'd like to get interested into a bit of Jpop. (Trust me, do it! She and her friend have a fantastic site going - and they're both lovely, so don't feel afraid to drop a comment or two to them every once in a while :D)